Defensive Channelling (1v1)
Objective – dictate and delay the attackers
GameCoaching PointsResetProgression
This exercise is designed to encourage defenders to force attacking players to move onto the defenders forehand.
- 2 teams – defenders and attackers.
- Attackers have to run around a cone with a ball and score against cones
- Defenders have to stop the attackers scoring or scoring HIGH value goals
- Ball must start on right
- Attackers get more points by scoring in 3 then 2 then 1
- Body
- Low and mobile body position / good footwork
- Use body to dictate direction of run
- Stick low to the ground and Jab tackling
- Stand sideways to can dance back
- Technique
- Identify when to tackle, channel, dispossess
- Get their head down – they cannot see where to pass and get them to roll out
- Assess position of defender
- How to slow attacker down
- Do not over run the attacker
- Do not overtackle
- For runaways start your run early
- Speed
- Position ball to make it hard to “get”
- Always be loaded
- Use body to defend the ball
- Look to vary speed and eliminate
- When ball leaves pitch then coach throws new one
- After 30 secs restart
- After all have run then swop attackers and defenders
- Vary the start and finish points of defenders and attackers
- 30 secs to score
- 5 balls and see which team scores the most
SSP link 1 SSP link 2
Home » All, GamePlay >> Channelling/5 D's, Skills & Techniques >> Deny, Delay, Disrupt & Channel » Defensive Channelling (1v1)